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Dual Lift Desk
Dual Lift Desk
Dual Lift Desk
Dual Lift Desk
Dual Lift Desk
Dual Lift Desk
Dual Lift Desk
Dual Lift Desk
Dual Lift Desk
30% off!  Hot New Release!
Dual Lift Desk
Dual Lift Desk
Dual Lift Desk
Dual Lift Desk
Dual Lift Desk
Dual Lift Desk
Dual Lift Desk
Dual Lift Desk
Dual Lift Desk

Dual Lift Desk

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  • The Most Comfortable and Ergonomic Desk Ever: Independently adjust both desk & monitor height with the push of a button
  • Health & Focus: By personalizing your workstation to your perfect posture, you improve the alignment between your head, shoulders & spine
  • Pro Power: Six built-in outlets satisfy all your power needs while the cord organization shelf keeps your workspace looking neat and tidy with just a single cord visible
  • Stylish Storage: Enjoy a clutter-free workspace with five pockets in two organization pouches for all your odds and ends, and a bag hook for your bag or headphones
  • Safety: Built-in safety barriers prevent pinching when lifting or lowering the Dual Lift Desk and motor pressure sensors auto-shutdown to prevent damage if something’s caught
  • Position Memory: Two memory buttons save your ideal desk height so you can quickly go from sitting to standing
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